Decide if you want to do an individual recitation or a group recitation
Decide on a passage and Bible version to recite
Team up to form a recitation discipleship group with someone who has recited before
2) Memorize
Practice out loud!
Conduct a study of the passage. See chapter 7 of the Art of Reciting Scripture for a guideline
Use The Bible Project to help understand the context
Use The Bible Use a Bible memory app like "Verses"Project to help understand the context
3) Animate
Determine the Tone, Tempo, Inflections, and Body language
Practice onstage in the location where you will be reciting
Refer to similar recitations in the Recitation Video Archive
4) Deliver
Show up early
Rehearse with your "on-book" person
Complete the pre-recitation checklist (see chapter 11 of the Art of Reciting Scripture)
Ask someone to video record the recitation
5) The Next Thing
As an experienced reciter, you may want to come along side somebody else to disciple them through the recitation preparation process.
Do the same recitation at another venue. If you recited at a Sunday Service, maybe you'd like to recite to a Sunday school class, or a soup kitchen, to a small group ministry, at another church. Even at family camp!
Select your next passage, gather a team, and start afresh with a new passage.