Técnicas de memorización

Practicar en voz alta

Esta técnica es igualmente esencial para todas las formas de recitación, ya sean largas o cortas y ya se presenten individualmente o en grupo. Lo mejor es practicar a todo volumen, pero verbalizar la escritura te beneficiará incluso si tienes que susurrar mientras el resto de tu familia duerme.

Practica en voz alta, porque…

  • Expresar en voz alta las palabras ayuda a grabarlas en tu corazón.
  • Pronunciar palabras difíciles te permite escuchar y corregir los errores de pronunciación de antemano (y evitar distracciones innecesarias a tu público).
  • No sería una recitación si sólo estuviera en tu cabeza.

Dispositivos mnemotécnicos

There are patterns in the passages that are just waiting to be discovered–or invented. Look for the types of patterns below, or come up with your own!

Create acrostics

For example, “the Town of Nazareth in Galilee” – T, O, N, G spells “tong,” like how you “ting a tong.” (Remember, memory triggers don’t need to make sense: they just need to be memorable!)

Find patterns

For example, the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Notice there are nine fruits. The first three are one-syllable, the second three are two-syllable, and the third three are three-syllable. (It’s as easy as 1-2-3.)

Find alliteration

For example, you might keep Nehemiah 6:5 straight by remembering the “s” sounds throughout it. “Then, the fifth time, Sanballat sent his aide to me with the same message, and in his hand was an unsealed letter.” The address is chapter six, verse five (which is sitting by six). It may sound dopey, but it works!

Establecer versículos de anclaje

Identificar versículos de anclaje le permite solidificar algunos «refugios seguros» dentro del pasaje para que, cuando llegue a esa ancla firme, se encuentre en un lugar de confianza. Estos versículos también sirven como puntos de referencia para lo que ya ha pasado y lo que aún queda. Como puede imaginar, este enfoque de «anclaje» es especialmente útil cuando se memorizan pasajes medianos o largos.

Para utilizar esta técnica, encuentre uno o dos versículos a mitad del pasaje y tómese un tiempo extra para memorizarlos. Puede ser un versículo a mitad de camino, o un versículo a un tercio del camino y un segundo versículo a dos tercios del camino. Estos versículos te servirán como anclas, no sólo en tu memorización inicial, sino también durante la propia recitación. Conoce estos versículos por dentro y por fuera para que, cuando aterrices en ellos, encuentres refugio, claridad y consuelo, sintiéndote seguro de dónde estás, del progreso que ya has hecho y del siguiente paso a dar.

Progreso del enfoque

Where you look when you’re reciting can act as a memory prompt. The progression of where eyes focus can remind you of your progression in the passage. For instance, you might say, “When I look to the left side, I am telling them about ‘XYZ.’ When I shift to the right side, I’m telling them ‘ABC.’” Divide the audience into sections and decide where you will look during your recitation.

If you divide the script of Luke 2:1-7 between the audience sections above, it may look like the diagram below. You would then associate certain areas of the audience with specific sections of the passage, focusing your gaze in those designated areas as you progress through the scriptures. (Notice that the verse beginning with “everyone” is directed towards the largest section of the audience. This might serve as yet another memory cue.)

Haga clic en una imagen para ampliarla.


It’s a fact that some people learn best by being active. For those individuals, this technique is a must. However, even if you’re more of a visual or auditory learner, adding an element of movement to your toolkit can help round out your memorization, not to mention make it more fun!

Try going for a walk in the same location each time you practice your script. By doing this, you will build associations (memory cues!) between geographical landmarks and the different sections of your passage. 

There was a man, for instance, who walked around a lake as he memorized Psalm 139:1-12. As he went along, he related each passage to a feature of the environment. Verses 1-3 were recited in a sunny spot, verses 4-6 were across from a young tree located on an island in the lake, verses 7-12 near a cave, and so on. 

When the time came for this passage to be recited in front of an audience, the man could still visualize his «recitation walks» around the lake, as well as the passages associated with each landmark along the path.

Acelera tu memoria con juegos

With the Verses Bible Memory app, your spare moments can quickly be turned into meaningful times of memorization. The app allows you to choose any passage of scripture and play a variety of memory games which will help you master the script more quickly. We highly recommend you check it out and download it on your device.

Encuentra tu voz




Empezar a recitar


Usa tu voz narrativa para dar vida a Rut, Salomón, Pedro, los Profetas y muchas más historias

religión, fe, cruz


Da voz a la alabanza de tu corazón con salmos y exaltación. Declarar la gloria de Dios y la deidad de Cristo


la voz de la sabiduría, el consejo y la amonestación para dar forma a las vidas