Resisting worldly attack

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Nehemiah 6:1-16
246 seconds
Date of recitation:


Resisting worldly attack

Nehemiah 6 reveals another set of attacks by the enemy on Nehemiah as he persistently leads God’s people to rebuild Jerusalem’s city wall. We can safely apply this lesson’s applications to our Christian lives and assume, as Ephesians 6:10-20 teaches, that the evil one will engineer and implement diabolical plans to impede our Christian growth and progress. When we take God’s mission seriously, we should reckon that we will, at times, face significant opposition. Our job is to be like Nehemiah, and by allowing Christ’s Spirit to abide in us we can remain unafraid fully committed to God’s purposes, trusting God to care for us and not compromising our integrity even to protect God’s work.

The Book of Nehemiah gives us great insight into these attacks. Now remind you, all these attacks, like Nehemiah, showed us we can overcome, but there are lessons we need to learn otherwise we will fall victim to the evil one’s plans and God’s work will be hindered.


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